Autorun usb
My understanding is that Windows no longer autoruns USB drives when inserted. Not sure which version of Windows that changed with. Anybody know? Since Windows no longer autoruns USB drives when inserted, could you still get a virus U have been stuck trying to get my USB to autorun this program the I have, but nothing seems to be working. I have set up an autorun.inf file, but doesn't seem to be working. I was wondering if someone could give me some good steps Related to the only thought I had was to read either from the registry (difficult) and/or read a file and send it via email. Is this even remotely possible to do with a autoboot USB drive. I'm working on a promotional USB for a company. They're hoping to have it autorun a menu to help navigate some pre-loaded content. Is this still possible with both Windows and Mac? There's a lot of info online about inf files but not much clarity on today's operating systems. Help is greatly appreciated! (Using Windows. I have tried using a autorun.inf with run=name.bat and i also have tried on with gt\ autorun\ open=Filename.exe but still no succes. Hi, how do i control the script rubs first when i connect an usb to windows. I am trying to make a bat file auto run when plugged into a PC. When I try to save a basic autorun.inf file I get a message saying I need permissions from the administrator. 1. This is my personal computer, only one user and I am the administrator 2. The USB drive doesn't have an administrator anyway. I have searched around and it seems all similar cases are about access to built-in drives on the computer itself, not external drives. The solutions given for them cannot transfer to my issue. Sorry. I've read and I've read, and things are starting to look clearer to me, but I still had a couple of questions. This one may be obvious. but, is it essentially the same AA that gets installed in both cases? Is accessing AA more or less the same? I'm get the impression AA shows up as an App. Is that correct? Do you start up AA the same way in both cases? Just plug your phone into the USB? I've read you can use it over wifi with the tweaks but it sounded like it might cause music So ive been coding modestly for about a year now, using javascript in combination with html/css. I know python is a well known language for its capabilities in the "real world" so I figured id try to learn it in my free time. I've recently been trying to figure out how i could run python files when I put a usb drive into a computer, maybe as a way to fool around with my friends or show them something I've made. When doing google searches, they are generally too old to be useful, as the websites. After moving into a new building, we have nice conference rooms that are in need of a technology upgrade. We are primarily a Skype for Business house, with Slack also being used around. I'm looking for the easiest, most elegant upgrade for presentations. Currently, users just walk into a room and connect their laptop to the screen via an HDMI. Do you guys have any ideas for better systems? We've spoken with a local office tech installer and they're suggesting Crestron Mercury systems The last time I plugged a friend’s USB drive into my laptop, I got malware. I have McAfee on my laptop which allows me to quick scan any file. I want to be able to plug in a USB drive into my laptop, let McAfee scan it first before doing anything with it. Is it possible to prevent myself from getting infected by preventing the USB to run by itself upon being injected to my laptop. Hi all, I have a brand new UPS and I'm trying to connect it to my Qnap TS-131. Unfortunately, the NAS is not able to communicate with the UPS. The model of the UPS is a Hero Touch 400 from Infosec. It's a rebranded UPS which seem to share components with many other cheap/soho UPS. The NUT documentation says: "Long story short: if your UPS came with a software called Viewpower", which is the case of my UPS, "chances are high that it works with this driver" I did some research and it seems. Hello, I work at a computer company and long story short we wanted to make a USB that would autorun a script to do testing on chromebooks. Would there be a way to autorun the script when the USB is plugged in and in Dev mode without having to open a shell So I wanted to get the hashdumps of my school labs' computer's. So how do I modify a USB that if inserted in a computer will automatically get hashdumps. As it is the school lab's computer, I get to use the student user but I want the password of the administrator, so can anyone give me instructions Is it possible for me to make a USB drive autorun a program when plugged Indian girl.avi.exe 5662256.exe autorun.inf (Cruzer Blade USB Flash Drive - SanDisk). I bought something off Amazon that came with a cheap, plastic, USB-like device which said it contained a video on how to take care of the product. When I plugged it in, it opened Run, typed a line, and opened a webpage for the company (since it's a third party seller on Amazon). How can I tell if it did anything malicious and how do I prevent this from happening in the future? (I'm running Windows. I know that autorun is disabled by default on most operating systems. So, without using that feature, what are the limitations of a portable flash drive? Can you install malware without explicitly running any programs