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Follow Jean-Baptiste Monge and explore their bibliography from's Jean-Baptiste Monge Author. 03 мая 2019 г.- Жан-Батист Монж (Jean-Baptiste Monge) - французский художник-иллюстратор, автор сказочных персонажей - забавных волшебников, гномов, эльфов волшебного мира леса Броссельянд. Посмотрите больше идей на темы «Феи, Эльфы и Фэнтези рисунки». Jean-Baptiste Monge (c) 2016 - Spectrum Silver Award 2009. Come with me! To the edge of the Invisible World, to the fringe of the dark, lush forests from our childhood, to the core of the enchanting valleys of our earliest excitement, down to the deepest of moors and bogs, while time keeps. Jean-Baptiste Monge. ●●● Support my work on Patreon (English readers) : Soutenez mon travail sur Tipeee (Francophones) : Visit my WEBSITE Senior Illustrator-Chara Design 2D/3D -Teacher- Freelancer. Жан-Батист Монж (Jean-Baptiste Monge) - французский художник-иллюстратор, автор сказочных персонажей Началом творческой деятельности Жан-батиста Монжа можно считать 1989 год - год знакомства с художником-иллюстратором Эрле Ферроньером (Erlé Ferronnière). A colorful book about Celtic creatures, painted and written by one of the grea Check out 'CELTIC FAERIES - the Book by Jean-Baptiste MONGE' on Indiegogo. Jean-Baptiste Monge has 12 books on Goodreads with 182 ratings. Jean-Baptiste Monge's most popular book is Celtic Faeries. Jean-Baptiste Monge Official Website Professional Illustrator, Painter, Character Designer Publishing and Entertainment JBMonge (c) Copyright. A little bit of Magic here and There and Tadaa. All content © 2016 by Jean-Baptiste Monge. Proudly created and held by Marjolaine. See more of Jean-Baptiste Monge on Facebook. jbmonge 15 2 Orc -fan art- WORLD of jbmonge 15 0 Mathael-monge/Copiright Blizzard French and Canadian Illustrator, author, painter since 1994, creating his own illustrating stories in books, Jean-Baptiste Monge ■ Jean-Baptiste Monge. Автор: valvalent на 20:17:00. Peter van Straten. Ken Kelly. Jean-Baptiste Marie Pierre. Karel Balcar. Mark Fredrickson. Книги, иллюстрации. Лучшие иллюстраторы России. Монж Жан-Батист (Jean- Baptist… Jean-Baptiste Monge. Альбом создан 8 лет 8 месяцев назад и изменен 8 лет 8 месяцев назад. Комментариев нет. Цитата сообщения rosavetrov Жан-Батист Монж (Jean-Baptiste Monge) - В поисках волшебного мира Поместья мирного незримый покровитель, тебя молю, мой добрый домовой.(А. С. Пушкин) Работы французского художника-иллюстратора, создателя таких милых персонажей. Jean-Baptiste Monge is a concept artist, illustrator, and author based in Montreal, Canada. His first solo book "Carnet de croquis, archives de Féerie Tome I" was published in 2006, wherein he did the illustration, texts and layout. Jean-Baptiste loves drawing anything and everything to do with fantasy. New to Twitter? Sign up. MONGE JEAN-BAPTISTE. @jbmonge. Undo. MONGE JEAN-BAPTISTE @jbmonge Apr 16. More. Copy link to Tweet. Jean Monge is known for illustration. The Artist. Auction Records. Subscribers may find the following and more: Did it sell? Low/high estimate Size of work Signature Date created Research Jean Baptiste Monge. Books by Jean-Baptiste Monge. Halloween: Sorcières, Lutins, Fantômes Et Autres Croquemitaines. by Jean-Baptiste Monge. Format: Album. Publisher: Au Bord des Continents. JeanBaptiste Monge born June 11 1971 in Nantes is a French fantasy author and illustrator He lives presently in Canada in a small town north of Montrea. Не пропусти хорошую книгу. 15 000 000оценок книг. 940 000рецензий на книги. 0. Jean-Baptiste Monge. Сообщать о новых книгах. 10.9 тыс. подписчиков, 805 подписок, 171 публикаций — посмотрите в Instagram фото и видео Jean-Baptiste Monge (@jbmongestudio). Jean-Baptiste Monge's fantasy and fairytale creatures have been enchanting us for over 20 years. His hefty-snouted Goblins, gruff Trolls, and facetious Fairies moved to Canada along with him to make sure their wondrous story would continue. In his studio, Jean-Baptiste works on his personal projects. 1997 - Parution d'Halloween (illustrations de Jean-Baptiste Monge et de Erlé Ferronnière, écriture Patrick Jézéquel et Bénédicte Morand) éditions "Au Bord des Illustrateur passionné de Merveilleux et de Fantastique, Jean-Baptiste Monge vit et travaille actuellement en Bretagne, près de Morlaix. Love traditional fantasy creatures? Fall in love with the art of Jean Baptiste Monge, a character designer for the game and movie industry, who's part of our new Limited Edition Art Book, State Of The Art. Get State of The Art. Love Our Content? Subscribe to our newsletter. Jean-Baptiste Monge. Jean-Baptiste Monge. Illustrator, Concept Artist, Charadesigner, Visual Dev Artist. PATREON JB MONGE-SUPPORT My WORK and LEARN Elyse Jean - 18 (11 preview). Elyse Jean in Daycamp Dream 18 (5 preview). Началом творческой деятельности Жан-Батиста Монж можно считать 1989 год - год знакомства с художником-иллюстратором Эрле Ферроньер (Erlé Ferronnière). В результате плодотворной работы двух мастеров родился небольшой сборник иллюстраций. Jean-Baptiste Monge. Advertisment. Jean-Baptiste Monge. Source:. Jean-Baptiste Monge (born June 11, 1971 in Nantes) is a French fantasy author and illustrator. He lives presently in Canada, in a small town, north of Montreal. Jean-Baptiste Monge issued his first illustrated book Halloween